Down throughout the ages, secret spiritual teachings have always been in existence before the birth of the Master Jesus. Spiritual knowledge had been in existence before the birth of all the modern-day pastors whose churches are built on the foundation of tithing and not on the foundation of “Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church.”


The three wise men that came from the Far East to honor and worship the Master Jesus were magis or magicians. Many of you don’t know that the magis were the first Christians. By their high and excellent knowledge, they knew that the promised Savior of mankind was now born man. They were the first to acknowledge the glory and majesty of the Master Jesus. Remember the conversation between Nicodemus, the night visitor, and the Master Jesus.


Remember the Master Jesus yelled at Nicodemus: John 3:10 – “Jesus answered and said unto him, art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?”


I am telling you all this to make you realize that spiritual knowledge had been in existence before the physical manifestation of the Master Jesus. Through the ages, no spiritual teacher has ever openly presented spiritual truths to the masses. Through the ages, spiritual teachers have invariably recommended secrecy on certain facts and deeds, and the Master Jesus was not an exception.






Matthew 7:6 “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.”


The pearl and swine verse is a warning to those already initiated into the secret teaching not to unveil spiritual secrets to those outside the circle of initiates, or else they should expect the unexpected.





Luke 13:23-24 – “Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.”


If taken literally, Luke 13:23-24 is not delicious. It appears as if the Master Jesus was saying that many people will do their best to go to heaven and avoid everlasting punishment, but all their efforts will amount to nothing. You don’t expect the Master Jesus, who came to save us from damnation, to tell us that despite all our human efforts, damnation awaits many of us.


If you peruse this passage with spiritual understanding, you will know that the Master Jesus was not pronouncing damnation on the vast majority of the human race. The truth is, in each generation, only a few persons can gain access into the Kingdom of Heaven through the Strait Gate, which is the gateway of initiation.




John 8:58-59- “Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I am. Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.”


Quite revealing. Before Abraham was, I am. Meaning that before Father Abraham lived on planet Earth, the “I Am” that spoke through the pure body of the Master Jesus was already in existence.


The Master Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” It was not Jesus the man who was speaking. It was the Christ that spoke through him.





Appellations, commonly termed titles, are synonymous with segregation. The president, His Excellency, senator, His Royal Majesty, High Chief, professor, the CEO, Right Honorable, etc., are all appellations that segregate the highly placed from the never-do-well and misters in society. Many people hysterically cherish appellations because they command and coerce respect.


In contrast, close to seventy-five times, the Master Jesus, the disinterested Savior of mankind, felt much better giving himself a very simple appellation termed, the Son of Man.


Matthew 8:20 – “The Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”


Matthew 16:13 – “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?”


Matthew 25:31 – “When the Son of Man comes in his glory…”


Mark 8:31 – “The Son of Man must suffer many things.”


Be patient. You hear? I will reveal the secret behind the Son of Man appellation. But there is so much to talk about concerning the secret teachings in the Holy Bible, often misquoted by many modern pastors who are more interested in exciting the masses with orchestrated and spirit-packed miracles. All of us are not on the same level of intellectual development. In society, low-mentality individuals are more numerous than intellectually developed individuals.


How can low-mentality individuals understand the secret teachings and parables in the Holy Bible? Common sense and logic will tell you the Master Jesus did not give the same religious teaching to everyone. He knew full well that human beings are not on the same level of intellectual development.





Matthew 16:20- “Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ.”


Quite revealing. He told his disciples to tell no one that he was Jesus the Christ. What does that mean? It means silence is golden.


Government officials are always reluctant to publicly disclose all the details of what the federal government is doing about the security situation in the country because they don’t want the classified information to fall into the hands of bandits and their political enemies.


In the same vein, the Master Jesus told his disciples to maintain silence so that the left hand should not know what the right hand did. Let me put it another way: the Master Jesus told his disciples not to disclose his true identity so that human agents of the devil, the enemies of righteousness, should not profit by the publicity.





The Master Jesus told mankind, “I am the Christ.” “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me. I am the resurrection and the life,” etc. Who is the Christ? Is the Christ the divine property of Christians and Christians only? The answer is no.


If you say that the Christ belongs to Christians alone, it means you are insisting that the Christian religion is the only right religion in the world. That is incorrect. We are different types of human beings, and different lines of approach suit different types of human beings. Therefore, the Christian doctrine might suit certain types of people and not all the different types of human beings in this world.


We must not forget that the Almighty God, the Creator of all things, is an infinite being. Therefore, one religious system alone cannot adequately provide all the requirements that will suit the needs of all the different types of people in this world. In light of this, I want to make it clear that all religions are paths to God. We are all manifestations of God, and we all worship the same universal spirit.


The Christ is a universal spirit that made use of the pure body of the Master Jesus to physically manifest on planet Earth. The Christ equally manifested in different degrees through the founders of other great religions of the world. Christ is a universal spirit.





Of a truth, I tell you, the appellation “Son of Man” may sound simplistic, but it is not. The Son of Man appellation with a capital “S,” which the Master Jesus used in reference to his own mission on planet Earth, truly confirms that he is a pure soul that descended from the I AM PRESENCE. What does that mean? It means the Master Jesus is the Son of God.

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