There is a higher and a lower method of acquiring powers from water spirits to perform signs and wonders in society. A black magician can perform certain ceremonies and instigate a powerful water spirit to go to a hospital environment, look for a beautiful lady about to die, take possession of her body, and eventually get married to her on planet Earth. The truth is, constant sexual intercourse with a mermaid spirit in human flesh means more power to perform signs and wonders. As long as the sorcerer does not indulge in sexual intercourse with any other sister woman, he will remain powerful. However, if he does, he will die because water spirits are extremely jealous.





Of a truth, I tell you, Mami Wata is of the nature of Scorpio. Do you know what makes people belonging to the Scorpio sign stand apart from other astrological signs? Scorpio characteristics can be very serious. They are intense in all things they do. They are extremely deep and emotional people. This is the nature of Mami Wata. I almost forgot to tell you, I am a Scorpio. Therefore, I know what I am telling you. Mami Wata actually exists.


The issue of water spirits is no longer a matter of seeing is believing. Many of you have encountered them in your dreams. Quite a number of boyfriends and fiancés have been warned in dreams by jealous mermen to keep away from their girlfriends and brides-to-be because the girls and ladies in question are engaged or married to water spirit boyfriends or husbands. My brother man and sister woman, water spirits actually exist, and they will continue to exist till the end of the world.


In the spirit world, you will find many water spirits roaming about, seriously in search of incarnation. They are seeking means to clothe themselves in human flesh so that they can manifest on planet Earth through the womb of a pregnant sister woman. Quite a number of them have succeeded. Quite a number of human beings on Earth, in reality, are water spirits clothed in human flesh. Of a truth, I tell you, many water spirits walking on planet Earth in human flesh are wicked and full of imperfection. Many of them are prepared to do anything within their power to barge into the human kingdom in a borrowed human body.


A mermaid could take possession of the fragile body of a dying baby in a hospital. As the soul of the baby departs, the mermaid quickly takes possession of the body and makes every effort to adapt herself to it. Water spirits yearning to barge into the human kingdom often wander about planet Earth, preferably in hospitals where people die almost daily. They prefer to take possession of human bodies not ravaged by terminal disease. A water spirit will wait patiently in the hospital, watching over the physical body of an adult about to die. As the soul of the dying person departs, the water spirit takes possession and learns how to use the human body.


If the water spirit succeeds in adapting to the human body, it automatically finds itself in the human realm. Do you know what that means? It means the water spirit has abandoned its marine kingdom forever. Whenever such a water spirit in human flesh dies on planet Earth, it will reincarnate as a human being in the usual way and no longer as a water spirit. However, if the water spirit in human flesh fails to adapt to the human body and does not succeed in breaking the bond that links it to the marine kingdom, after death, it will be deported back to its original home—the marine kingdom.





“Thou art Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18)


I mourn whenever I remember these words of the Master Jesus. I mourn because I know the powers of water spirits prevail in many churches noted for miracles, signs, and wonders. Many miracle-working pastors, who come in their own names and are received by the world, have gone to the river in the dead of night, accompanied by black magicians, to summon a powerful water spirit. This spirit often appears physically and indulges in sexual acts with the pastor craving power.


Sadly, genuine pastors who come in the name of our Heavenly Father are not wholeheartedly received. But the pastors who come in their own names, in the name of water spirits, are hysterically received.


*”I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive.”* (John 5:43)


*”Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”* (1 John 4:1)


Pastors who acquire their powers from water spirits are living in bondage. They constantly sleep with water spirits in dream states and indulge in myriad kinds of sexual acts with virgins and married women to retain their ungodly powers. Ignorant people who worship in such churches become more materialistic and hunt for prosperity wholeheartedly. For me, prosperity gospel—the gospel of success or seed faith—is like pots of gold tied to a man’s feet in the depths of the ocean. Such a person cannot rise to the surface until he cuts himself loose from the gold.


We cannot attain everlasting life without shoving aside earthly possessions, desires, and aspirations. People who worship in churches of water spirits indulge more in acts of wickedness, revenge, fornication, adultery, and other sinful activities that incur the wrath of God and please Satan. Water spirits of the lower class rejoice in this development. They have always honored, respected, and regarded human beings as divine, and they are thrilled that humans now seek their assistance. This draws them closer to humans so that they can drag us down to their level.




Anything worthwhile in life is not easy to attain. Right now, as I speak, the majority of us are ordinary men and women, while a few are advanced. In the beginning, we all commenced as domestic animals, then primitive men, then ordinary men. After that comes the advanced stage. A human being starts as an animal, and the final stage is to become an angel.


In the same vein, water spirits pass through different stages of development. They often start as seaweed, then corals, then sponges, then fishes. After fishes, they attain the lower level of water spirit, and finally, the highest type of water spirit belongs to the class of the lowest angels. A normal water spirit starts as seaweed and attains individuality by associating with an angel.


However, certain groups of water spirits have detached themselves from their stages of development and crossed over into the human stage. Many people in society today are water spirits clothed in human flesh. When such water spirits die, they reincarnate as human beings instead of returning to the marine kingdom.


Ordinarily, when a water spirit dies, it ceases to exist because there is no immortality for water spirits. However, the soul of a human being continues to exist after physical death. A human being is like a small macrocosm, created in God’s image and an immortal individual spirit. That is why water spirits, who do not fall sick, adore human beings and crave association with them. They wish to abandon their backward method of development and enter the human stage to attain an immortal soul and move forward to the spirit world, ultimately ending up in the companionship of the Almighty God and His holy angels.

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