A serene image of a person in deep contemplation, symbolizing the spiritual consequences and inner turmoil associated with abortion.

Spiritual Consequences Of Abortion

Abortion is an extremely controversial subject, with various people having conflicting opinions. One of these conflicting opinions is about the spiritual consequences of abortion.

Although abortion is primarily a biological issue, it is being treated as an economic, political, and even spiritual one. Even when discussing abortion from a spiritual perspective, conflicting opinions still arise. But one sentiment is shared by all, regardless of whatever perspective they view abortion from: abortion has consequences.

Now, let me elaborate on the spiritual consequences of abortion by first explaining what happens during pregnancy.

What Happens During Pregnancy?

To properly understand the spiritual consequences of abortion, let me explain what happens spiritually when a woman gets pregnant.

When two people have sexual intercourse, they create an opportunity for a soul to reincarnate through them. A living soul enters a woman’s ovum at the moment of fertilization; this soul is spiritually attached to the ovum and will watch over the fertilization process. In the early stages of pregnancy, the incoming soul overshadows the ovum and then gradually enters a phase of active growth and development.

An abortion violently stops the attached soul from reincarnating into this world. When an incoming soul is turned back in such a violent manner, that soul is subjected to immense pain and suffering in the spirit world.

This is why abortion can be and is defined as murder.

Karma For Abortion

When speaking about the spiritual consequences of abortion, I must include karma. There is karma for all our actions, especially when actions cause unbearable pain and suffering. Women who have had multiple abortions and ruined the reincarnation of multiple souls will never escape their karma.

Karma comes in different forms. It can come in the form of barrenness, unhappy marriage, ailment, or even death.

Exception For Abortion

There is only one situation where an abortion is allowed, and this is when it is needed to save the mother’s life.Abortions may be a necessary evil sometimes, but women must do their utmost to prevent pregnancy. The spiritual consequences of abortion can be quite dire, so it is better to avoid pregnancy completely.

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