

6 Signs of Spiritual Attacks You Must Know

Spiritual attacks are more common than many people realise. These attacks often manifest in ways that may seem like mere coincidences or unexplained occurrences, but they are actually signs of something much deeper.  Spiritual entities exist around us, often unseen, looking to break down our spiritual defences so they can access our inner being. Once […]

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a white bald old man in a black suit with a red tie with a headset on dancing and smiling hard

The Influence of Music as a Spirit

It is not news that we are easily influenced by the things around us, including those we cannot see. One of these influences is music as a spirit. Yes, music is a spirit, and it holds significant power over people and their emotions.
The influence of music as a spirit is often overlooked and considered to be minor by the majority. However, the opposite is true. Music has a profound effect not just on our emotions but also on our memory. Keeping that in mind, let me enlighten you on the power of music as a spirit.

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Earthbound criminal souls and their influence on addiction and inner struggles

Earthbound Criminal Souls and Their Influence on Addiction and Inner Struggles.

According to this theory, criminals who perish violently are believed to be trapped in an earthbound state, unable to move on from their malevolence. Rather than undergoing transformation or redemption, these souls allegedly seek out compatible individuals to inhabit and continue their immoral lifestyles through proxy.

Earthbound Criminal Souls and Their Influence on Addiction and Inner Struggles. Read More »